学位:博士 职称:教授 研究方向:英语语言学 |
研究领域: 应用语言学、功能语言学、教材研究 |
学术兼职: |
1 | SSCI 期刊 Education and Information Technologies编委 |
2 | SSCI 期刊 IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 编委 |
3 | SSCI 期刊 Humanities and Social Sciences Communications编委 |
4 | SSCI 期刊 Interactive Learning Environments编委 |
海外经历: |
◇ | 2011-2015 美国佐治亚大学博士 |
学术成果: |
1 | Zhang, X. (2024). Understanding teachers’ self-directed development through drama-based pedagogy: A case study of one English writing classroom. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 29 (1), 117-137. (SSCI) |
2 | Zhang, X. (2023). Exploring academically transitioning students’ ongoing experiences with textbook-based learning: A semester-long study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 52 (4), 1061-1075. (SSCI) |
3 | Zhang, X. (2023). Exploring L2 students’ experiences with an integrated teacher written and spoken feedback strategy. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33 (2), 362-381. (SSCI) |
4 | Zhang, X. (2023). Understanding the role of students’ reflections in their uptake of teacher written feedback. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 78 (3), 101276. (SSCI) |
5 | Zhang, X. (2023). Peer pressure and web-based peer learning: An exploratory case study. Education and Information Technologies, 28, 10405–10420. (SSCI) |
6 | Zhang, X. (2023). Democratizing the online materials-based classroom: What can student writers’ voices offer? RELC Journal, 54(3), 744-756. (SSCI) |
7 | Zhang, X., & Yu, S. (2022). Training student writers in conducting peer feedback in L2 writing: A meaning-making perspective. Applied Linguistics Review, 13(4), 439-460. (SSCI) |
8 | Zhang, X. (2022). Exploring L2 students’ perceptions of their writing anxiety with drama-based pedagogy and linguistic support. International Multilingual Research Journal, 16(4), 258-272. (SSCI) |
9 | Troyan, F. J., Harman, R., Zhang, X. (2021). Critical SFL praxis in teacher education: Insights from Australian SFL scholars. Language and Education, 35 (5), 383-401. (SSCI) |
10 | Zhang, X. (2021). Exploring the interaction of EFL student writers with SFL-based teaching and teacher-written feedback. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 54 (106), 465-486. (SSCI) |
主持项目: |
1 | 国家社科青年项目:高校英语教师教学信念与教材使用研究(17CYY019) |
2 | 北京外国语大学基本科研业务费专项资助:功能语言学视角下英语专业写作师资教育实证研究(2017JJ021) |
奖励与荣誉: |
1 | 北京外国语大学“中青年卓越人才计划”卓越青年教师 |
2 | 美国图书馆协会(LIRT Top 20)论文奖 |