11月1、2、3日讲座:Classroom Interaction: Multimodality, Laughter, and Teasing


讲座题目:Classroom Interaction: Multimodality, Laughter, and Teasing

讲座时间:202111123日晚上 21:00-22:00

讲座地点:腾讯会议(111IDID932 981 629112ID731 122 293113ID171 495 276

演讲人:Stephen Daniel Looney教授(美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学)


Stephen Daniel Looney 博士是宾州州立大学应用语言学系的教学型教授。他也是该校教学助理(国际学生)项目的主任。他的论文发表在多个国际知名杂志,如Journal of Pragmatics, Linguistics and Education, TESOL Quarterly, Discourse Studies, 以及Classroom Discourses 他还参与编写了两本著作, The Embodied Work of Teaching (Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2019) 以及A Transdisciplinary Approach to International Teaching Assistants: Perspectives from Applied Linguistics (Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2019)


Understanding how teachers and students interact in the classroom is essential for assessing and improving pedagogy and promoting learning. This lecture series consists of three talks. The first talk focuses on unpacking the multimodal actions of an ESL teacher and her students when addressing questions about grammar. The second talk focuses on the various affiliative and disaffiliative roles laughter plays in ESL and STEM classrooms. The third talk focuses on understanding how teasing in classrooms arises, functions, and compares with teasing in other contexts of interaction.

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