4月27日讲座:The Construction of Shared Family Identity in US Intercultural Families with Chinese Adoptees

题目:The Construction of Shared Family Identity in US Intercultural Families with Chinese Adoptees


时间:4月27日 (周四) 下午3:10-5:00




This lecture discusses the construction of the shared family identity based on the narratives of six American families with Chinese adoptees. In 2009, the American parents of these six families adopted seven Chinese girls at an orphanage in Hubei Province, China. For this present study, focus group and individual interviews were conducted to understand the evolvement of the six families over 14 years and the relationships between the American parents and their Chinese adoptees. A model of the shared family identity in American intercultural families with Chinese adoptees was proposed. Four factors are crucial to establishing family intimacy: parenting credential, reciprocal affection, joint management of cultural identity crisis and open mundane communication. The positive role of such intercultural families to promote China-US intercultural communication will also be discussed at the end of the lecture.

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