11月17日讲座:Metaphor in Health Communication

主题: Metaphor in Health Communication

主讲人: Prof. Elena Semino, Head of Linguistics and English Language Department, Lancaster University, UK

地点: 英语楼115会议室

时间: 3:00 – 4:00 pm, 11月 17 (周四), 2016

About the Speakers

Professor Semino’s research interests are in stylistics, metaphor theory and analysis, and the medical humanities/health communication. She often combines qualitative analysis with corpus linguistic methods. She is currently working on: metaphor and cancer in end-of-life care; the representation of autism and mental illness in fictional and non-fictional narratives; (figurative) language, creativity and chronic pain; the ‘translation’ of knowledge about climate change from scientific papers to educational materials for teen-agers; and the representation of urban violence in Brazil. Her research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

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