12月8日讲座:The Dynamics of the Established Middle Powers and the “AUKUS”


BFSU Isabel English Forum Series (No.24)

Forum on Australian Studies

The Dynamics of the Established Middle Powers and the “AUKUS”


讲座地点:腾讯会议ID 199 339 622 会议密码 21128




于镭,南澳大利亚大学博士,聊城大学太平洋岛国研究中心首席研究员、教授,北京外国语大学客座教授。在Cambridge Review of International AffairsCommunist and Post-Communist StudiesInternational Affairs等学术刊物上发表论文30余篇,出版中英文专著五部。


Under normal circumstances, the primary objectives of the established middle powers are to ensure their survival and vested interest deriving from the existing system and order. To this end, the established middle powers would more often than not seek for an alliance with the superpower of the existing system in trade for the latter’s protection and assistance in achieving their objectives. The established middle powers would assist explicitly, or implicitly, the established superpower in keeping the status quo of the existing system and order and precluding the rise of any emerging powers to the level capable of challenging the system and order. The superpower, in turn, needs a global network of military alliance composed mainly of the established middle powers to help maintain its status as the dominator of the existing system and order. As an established middle power, Australia has adopted the strategy of alignment with the superpower in an attempt to maintain its vested interest and status arising from the existing global system.

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