SEIS Academic Forum Series (No.698)
Forum on Translation Studies
Why ‘translation’ is a tricky word in journalism: the concept of translation in communication studies
Roberto A. Valdeón 博士
Editor-in-Chief of Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (国际顶尖翻译学A&HCI期刊主编)
General Editor of the prestigious Benjamins Translation Library(本杰明翻译图书系列总主编)
时间: 16:00-18:00
日期: 2018年11月1日(周四)
地点: 图书馆三层报告厅
This talk will explore the concept of "translation" in these two disciplines. Starting from the consolidation of journalistic translation as a subarea of research within translation studies and the calls for interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of news texts, it will interrogate the lack of interaction between translation and journalism studies by examining how “translation” in the latter. After providing the definition in general dictionaries and in some translation studies reference works, with particular reference to Delisle et al, the talk will present the findings of a study of a corpus of 186 articles written by journalism studies scholars. The results of the study show that these researchers use “translation” to refer to linguistic transfer as well as to other more general transformations. It also demonstrates that “transediting”, widely used in journalistic translation research, is rarely used in the publications by journalism studies scholars.
About the speaker:
Roberto A. Valdeón (Masters’ degree in Translation and English Literature, University of Glasgow, UK, 1990; Ph. D. in English Studies, University of Oviedo, Spain, 1993) has published extensively on EFL and translation, including contributions to international journals including in SSCI, A&HCI and Scopus, such as Across Languages and Cultures, Meta, Language and Intercultural Communication, Target, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Languages in Contrast, Philological Quarterly, Translation Studies, Terminology, Intercultural Pragmatics, Intercultural Communication and Translation and Interpreting Studies. He is a member of the international advisory board of Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics (University of Vigo) and John Benjamins’s Handbook of Translation Studies and Forum.
In 2011-2012 he joined the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, as a visiting scholar, and in 2013 he was a visiting professor at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He has been appointed research fellow at the University of the Free State, South Africa, for the period of 2014-2017 and honorary professor at the Universities of Jinan (China) and Stirling (UK).
He is the editor of Translating Information (Oviedo, 2008), and has guest-edited special issues of Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Perspectives, Meta, Language and Intercultural Communication, European Journal of English Studies and Across Languages and Cultures. Since July 2011 he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Perspectives Studies in Translatology, a Routledge journal indexed in the A&HCI and in the first quartile of Scopus SJR. In 2016 he was appointed General Editor of the prestigious Benjamins Translation Library, which published his monograph Translation and the Spanish Empire in the Americas in 2014.
He has edited the collection Spanish in the USA: Linguistic, Cultural and Translational Aspects (2016) and Chinese Transaltion Studies in the 21st Century (2017), both published by Routledge.